Getting Serious About Play

A common misconception about play is that it is unimportant.

This exhibition is organized to promote play as a public value and suggests that we take play —the science, the social implications, the wildly accessible benefits for health and well being — much more seriously. Nothing lights up the brain like play, and here we invert the notion of adults teaching kids and instead let kids model for us how to use play to reduce stress, adapt to change, and have fun. Photographed in fourteen countries over sixteen years, this catalog of global play explores culture, traditions, and universality of games. We know play when we see it, anywhere in the world. 

I believe in using visuals to tell stories about the human capacity for good.  My work is both rigorous and optimistic, promoting the idea that what we need for inspiration, connectivity and hope already exists in ourselves and in the world. The intention is to invite a broader public conversation about who we are and what we mean to each other. Perhaps there has never been a more salient time to remember that we’ve known how to do this all along.